CapitalKeez - The Start & Journey of The New Privacy & Security Future

CapitalKeez The Journey 2009-2022

CapitalKeez - The Start & Journey of The New Privacy & Security Future. The mission to bring security and privacy to online users without cost. In 2009 Maynard L. Dokken started a program to get the average user a Free USB using advertising through direct mail to cover the cost. It worked. CapitalKeez was able to deliver 1,000’s of the security and privacy USB Keys to users.

Unfortunately during this launch in 2009 Maynard L. Dokken was in a near fatal car accident when getting into a cab. He was hit by a drunk driver and took almost 6 years to recover. He was not expected to survive and it was deemed catastrophic.

In 2016 after going through recovery CapitalKeez was reborn and focus on open source platform to store sensitive information such as website credentials in encrypted storage and passwords as well as security was restarted. We realized there were now many new platforms and applications being developed for this service including web interface, desktop application, browser extensions, mobile apps and even command line interfaces. We then began to refocus on the future.

He had been involved in many related areas in 1999-2002 with a company called Milinx and developed biometric and other security protocols before they were implemented at that time. We could see the next generation security and privacy. It too could be Free for end users.

The project is now looking to the future and developing an integrated suite of products that will allow consumers to use their devices and services with a level of protection that is not available today. These are new technologies under development. To show our appreciation for all those that participated in the Free USB program and provided their insight we have enabled Free accounts in a self hosted Bitwarden platform.

We will update as the new technology is released and look forward to a future of security and privacy without cost to end users.

2022 Keez New & Free Again

As another reward to members who remained dedicated to the cause CapitalKeez provisioned an online Free password & storage solution using Bitwarden Open Source code for existing members working with us on a new future in the security and privacy domain.

2009 CapitalKeez The Beginning

In 2009 while working on a shared mercantile project the project leader of CapitalKeez, Maynard Dokken worked on a solution to bring security & privacy for Free to online users.

2009 Free Keez USB

The Free USB is born. A USB with premium security & privacy features funded through cross-marketing making it the first Free Premium Security & Privacy on a USB.

2009 Universal Security

Development begins on a universal platform for online users to protect against internet threats and protect privacy.

2010 Near Fatal

At the end of 2009 Maynard Dokken was hit by a drunk driver while getting into a cab. He was deemed catastrophic. He went through 6 years of recovery. The vision carried on until 2011 until all the Free USB's were mailed.

2016 Back To Work

In 2016 he went back to work on all the projects that were underway before the accident including CapitalKeez.

2018 Keez New Development Begins

The new developments included a comprehensive universal protocol to protect against internet threats for all devices and apps.