Our Philosophy

CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today

Vendor Technology

Having the vendor use the technology is the best method for the enterprise to secure its data and user accounts. WebAuthn is both the first and second factor. Since its introduction as an open standard by the Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in April 2019 authentication is securely stored and validated locally on the device versus a centralized database which becomes a target.

100% Free

100% Free for Users means less friction to adoption of the technology. Low friction authentication means lower learning curve. Cisco’s Duo Security reports enterprises are moving away from passwords and adopting low-friction authentication methods to protect the new hybrid workforce such as Biometric. A passwordless future is closer than ever and we want to help deliver that to you.

CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today
CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today

Federated Ownership

Federated architecture is a pattern in enterprise architecture that allows interoperability and information sharing between semi-autonomous de-centrally organized lines of business, information technology systems and applications. This can also apply to ownership.

Universal API

Universal API is safe method for online wallets with ability to do international payouts, all the tokens you hold belong to you and can be withdrawn at any time. This combined with the WebAuthn provides a complete solution for everyday commerce and authentication.

CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today

CapitalKeez - Maynard Dokken The Free Security & Privacy Journey - Our Philosophy is Your Solution

CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today - At the end of 2009 Maynard Dokken was hit by a drunk driver while getting into a cab. He was deemed catastrophic. He went through 6 years of recovery. CapitalKeez carried on until 2011 when all the Free USB's were mailed. Maynard L. Dokken is back!

CapitalKeez Maynard Dokken The Journey Quote