CapitalKeez - The Start & Journey

The New Privacy & Security Future

"In 2009 Maynard L. Dokken created a Free USB Keez Security & Privacy program to get the Average User Free Premium Protection... a new updated technology is happening!"

100% Free

100% Free for Users means less friction to adoption of the technology. Low friction authentication means lower learning curve. Cisco’s Duo Security reports enterprises are moving away from passwords and adopting low-friction authentication methods to protect the new hybrid workforce such as Biometric. A passwordless future is closer than ever and we want to help deliver that to you.

CapitalKeez - Our Philosophy is Your Solution - Your Journey Today

Bitwarden & New Keez!

CapitalKeez or Keez was an idea that needed to happen. We released a Free USB package and used direct marketing to pay for it and provide users a cost effective solution without cost to their systems. It was a tremendous success!

We have setup Bitwarden which uses AES-256 bit encryption, salted hashing, and PBKDF2 SHA-256 to guard your data to provide you with the same Free Product & Service you have enjoyed through this journey with us.

One of the reasons we choose Bitwarden for our valued members was it features encrypted attachments. Although a simple feature it was a  reason we felt you may prefer this option. Please comment on the feedback form in your account.

We realize the world needs a new approach as the current system opens all of us up to so many threats it is impossible to feel safe. We have a solution. We are working on the technology. For all our members you will receive confidential updates in your account. You are the reason we have continued this effort. We are going to deliver a new solution!

The New Keez!

One item you should always consider above checking the encryption standards and authentication options, is if the company has been in the news for any data breaches recently. You can do this with a simple search.

At CapitalKeez we strived to assure there were no breaches of any of our members service and we can confirm we were able to achieve that standard of service.

The new security paradigm has abruptly changed what will work. One piece of advice is to consider an Intrusion Prevention System "IPS" or Intrusion Detection Service "IDS". We have outlined below some that free and paid services. We recommend you continue to watch for any alerts.

Focused To Get It Done!

2016 Back To Work

In 2016 he went back to work on all the projects that were underway before the accident including CapitalKeez.

2018 Keez New Development Begins

The new developments included a comprehensive universal protocol to protect against internet threats for all devices and apps.

2022 Keez New & Free Again

As another reward to members who remained dedicated to the cause CapitalKeez provisioned an online Free password & storage solution using Bitwarden Open Source code for existing members working with us on a new future in the security and privacy domain.

To All Our Existing Free USB Members

Almost every internet site you visit, from dating apps, secure banking, almost all require you to create a personal account and password. Life is difficult enough and remembering all those passwords and logins is asking too much for many people.

Using simple passwords makes us vulnerable and easy to exploit. There are many simple passwords people use including “password” and "123456789". Some try memorizing complex passwords and use it for everything which makes it just as easy as you only need to hack one unprotected site and you have access to everything that person has an account including banking. Either was identity theft is on its way.

If you use a password protection platform that has a high level of protection you have a much better chance at protection

The password protection platform can even generate new, random passwords.

There are many good platforms out there. We think we can improve and make you life easier in a different way. We are simply looking for your feedback so we can gain insight into what is most important for the users of these platforms.

Simply click on login and use your existing credentials. Your account is already registered.

From Free USB to Free Security & Privacy

The Future Is Coming!